Footprints of Fight


Our family was forever changed on August 15, 2014 when Mason Jon, our active 4 year old was diagnosed with a rare form of pediatric cancer (Wilms tumor). Looking back it feels like a lifetime ago and yet we remember the details all so clear. Despite all the bad days we endured, the memory that sticks out the most was the amazing support we had from our family and friends. After receiving world-class care from Seattle Children’s Hospital, we quickly realized that the real journey began once we left the hospital as we had to figure out how we would navigate as a family throughout the treatment process. As the journey has been very challenging we have been blessed with a strong support system. Family and friends rallied around us to help reduce the stress of our everyday life so that we could focus on our kids, which was most important!

In turn, we want to provide this same support to other families in Washington by providing some of the same services we received during the treatment process that helped us rally together as a family and continue through the journey with courage, optimism, strength, and resiliency.

As Mason is currently Cancer Free and his scans continue to come back showing “NED”, no evidence of disease! We have said since day 1 of this crazy cancer journey that once we were on the other side of treatment we would do whatever we could to pay it forward and give back- Footprints of Fight is that promise!!

UPDATE 10 YEARS LATER: Mason remains cancer free! We want everyone to know about our journey and the importance of supporting others who are suffering with similar battles.

See us here on King 5 News